The curry plant grows in tropical regions and rich soil like India and Sri Lanka and almost everywhere in the Indian subcontinent and extends to Himalayas and in the east to Burma. The botanical name of curry plant is Murraya koenigi, a small, aromatic shrub tree which belongs to the family of Rutaceae. The leaves, bark and roots of the plant are packed more medicinal properties. In India, the curry leaves are commonly used in cooking to provide flavoring for curries, vegetable, fish and meat dishes, soups and almost any food. The leaves are mainly used fresh but they can also be used dried or powdered. They have pleasant aroma, fragrant scent and flavor even after drying. The curry leaf oil is used as stimulant, tonics, and stomachic and in perfumery. This oil has a very captivating aroma and is known for its many medicinal uses and other beneficial properties.
Features of Curry Leaf Oil:
- The Curry Leaf Oil is also called Girinimba or Krishnanimba in Ayurveda and is named after Lord Krishna, who is the God of ultimate protection.
- It is an essential oil which is used to treat diabetes and even used to treat eye diseases.
- It is also used to cure eye vision.
- It has a lot of Ayurvedic uses.
- It has a lot of medicinal usage.