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Buy High Quality Magnolia Absolute : Natural & Organic Product

Price: ₹378.20

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Absolutes OilsProducts

Quick overview of Pure Magnolia Absolute

Magnolia Absolute Essential Oil is extracted from the flowers of the Michelia Grandiflora.
Named after the French botanist Pierre Magnol this tall tree belongs to the Magnoliaceae family. This tree can reach a height of approximately 25m. They can be deciduous blooming before the leaves appear, perennial or semi-evergreen. East-Asia, Himalayas and Central and North America are its homelands. These exotic looking trees with their sensual white and pink flowers are the main attraction of any garden.
Our Magnolia Absolute is natural identical which is used in making perfumes and cosmetics.


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Price: ₹378.20


Magnolia Absolute Essential Oil is extracted from the flowers of the Michelia Grandiflora. Named after the French botanist Pierre Magnol this tall tree belongs to the Magnoliaceae family. This tree can reach a height of approximately 25m. They can be deciduous blooming before the leaves appear, perennial or semi-evergreen. East-Asia, Himalayas and Central and North America are its homelands. These exotic looking trees with their sensual white and pink flowers are the main attraction of any garden. Our Magnolia Absolute is natural identical which is used in making perfumes and cosmetics. Magnolia oil can also be added to creams and lotions or as a massage oil when diluted in carrier oil. When used as a massage, Magnolia essential oil brings relief to joint pain and related conditions. Magnolia oil has also been effective when used as a natural tonic for skin and hair and has been an important ingredient in perfumes where it has been described as a soothing and calming fragrance. Magnolia oil promotes peace and harmony and commonly used for anxiety, stress, and depression treatment by soothing the mind and lowering hormone release in the body.

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