How To Use Essentials Oils For Skin And Hair Care

Here’s a list of essential oils and how to use them:
1. Lavender Essential Oil Known for generating the growth of cells and reducing stress, this miracle oil can expedite hair growth. It also carries antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can improve scalp health. Make a concoction by mixing a few drops of lavender oil into 3 tablespoons of carrier oil, like olive oil or coconut oil, and apply it directly to the scalp. After leaving it for nearly 10 minutes, wash the tresses with shampoo and repeat several times a week. Enriched with anti-inflammatory properties, lavender oil has the potential to reduce skin irritation, skin discoloration and restore the natural skin tone. Mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil with 5 tablespoons aloe vera gel and apply the mixture on the face, focusing on the affected areas. Wash it off after 20 minutes and do the same once daily. Vitamin E is another great antioxidant that helps maintain healthy collagen in your body while maintaining normal blood flow. Combine 1 drop (250 milligrams) per ounce of plain water with 4 ounces salted lemon juice over 80 percent fat ice cold at room temperature until completely dissolved; then mix using an electric mixer – not stir! Gently scrape out any foam when desired but please allow some air circulation as you blend because we want everything very smooth before adding alcohol to protect from cracking/losing its structure during blending. If necessary, add citric acid if needed below 75%.

2.Peppermint Essential Oil The cold and tingling feeling of peppermint oil increases blood circulation in the scalp and this can help promote hair growth. Mix 2 drops of peppermint essential oil with any carrier oil including mustard oil and massage it into your scalp. Don’t forget to use a conditioner afterward. The body naturally produces some oils which we don´t need but these could be beneficial!

3. Rosemary Essential Oil Considering the ability of rosemary oil in improving cellular generation, it can help in improving both the volume and growth of hair. Mix a couple of drops of rosemary oil with olive or coconut oil, and apply it to the scalp twice a week. Rinse with shampoo after leaving the mask for 10 minutes. Enriched with oxidative defenses that can protect the skin from environmental damage, rosemary oil helps in boosting facial blood circulation and reducing inflammation. Use it for thorough cleansing. Mix 6 drops of the oil with 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel and massage your face with the mixture. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash. If you have oily lines around underarms – treat them immediately using lavender essential oils instead!

4. With its powerful cleansing, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties, tea tree oil can help unblock hair follicles and increase hair growth. So either mix 10 drops of tea tree essential oil into your shampoo or conditioner and use it daily or make a mask by mixing 3 drops of the oil with 2 tablespoons of carrier oil. Apply it for 15 minutes before rinsing it out. It has been said that if you get up in the morning soaked in cold water as I do then chances are you have more than enough to treat dry skin issues around this time of year. You may also want not only to wash off any makeup from bare arms (I’m so sorry about my face! 🙂 ) but apply extra lotion on warm days when sweat is dripping down our legs. Also, consider using one-time dabbing techniques after shaving sessions which helps keep acne under control longer as well…